Created by McKenzie Chen & Mariel Lowe
Film & Edit by NYCOMO Film & Post


 This series of 8 short films focuses on dancers and movement-makers at home, each telling a unique story in their own, personal environment, with a new film coming to you every Friday.

If you enjoy this series, please be sure to follow HOME BODIES on Instagram @homebodiesnyc

How would you describe your apartment? 

My apartment has been home for just over 4 years. It's filled with people I love. Over the years, those people and I have acquired many odds and ends, which fill every crevice of the apartment. Most of our socializing occurs in the kitchen. Common activities include family band practice and food network screenings.

What was your experience of filming Home Bodies? 

Filming Home Bodies was such a pleasure! It seemed only natural to make a dance thing in my kitchen with the likes of Mariel, McKenzie, and Patrick, a delightful group of artists. A lot of art making happens within the walls of my apartment, and the fact that these three wanted to come in and capture a bit of it was pretty special.

About The Artist

Emily Pacilio was born and raised in Utica, NY and graduated from Skidmore College in 2012 with a BS in dance. She moved south to NYC that fall. In NY, Emily performs with KatieRose McLaughlin/Designated Movement Company, Trainor Dance, Emily Craver and the Little Streams, and St. Fortune. She also works with Chicago-based CabinFever.

Follow Emily on Instagram @puhsillyoh