I can eat an entire jar of pickles and drink all of the juice in one sitting. It's ecstasy at the time, but an hour later my body punishes me for my gluttony.
Finding an unexplored land that holds hidden ruins, buried treasure, a deep, dark secret that mankind was not meant to know, chases, and just when it looks like all hope is lost, I dig down deep within myself and find the strength to save the day. So basically accounting.
When I was younger, I at some point wanted to work at a cake shop at the mall. My reasoning was that when the mall closed I would get to eat all the cake I wanted.
A teacher of mine told me that I go to my ancestral plain. I just sort of leave this world for a short periods sometimes. It can be a real killer for conversation.
I am of the opinion that The Chupacabra is FACT. I grew up right next to the mountains in New Mexico. I have seen a Jackalope (a bunny rabbit with antlers). So The Chupacabra is not a far stretch for my imagination.